How You Can Use Embedded Systems

How You Can Use Embedded Systems

Larry Bellehumeur |

Embedded systems are everywhere. You likely use them dozens of times a day. They're in your phone, car, TV, and appliances. What are embedded systems?

This article will look at embedded systems, their basic structure, work, and everyday applications in your business or products. So, let's get started.

What Are Embedded Systems?

An embedded system is a microprocessor-based computer system with a dedicated function within a more extensive mechanical or electrical system — often with a real-time operating system. It is part of a complete device, often including hardware and mechanical parts. These systems control many devices used commonly today.

How Embedded Systems Work

An embedded system typically has a processor, memory, and peripherals integrated on a single circuit board. The processor may be a microcontroller — a single chip that contains the CPU, memory, and peripherals. Alternatively, the processor may be a microprocessor, a separate CPU chip with integrated memory and peripherals.

Read-only memory (ROM) or external memory typically stores software for the embedded system. As a result, it can't be accidentally erased or overwritten. Additionally, these systems are written with low-level languages such as C or assembly languages, which are more efficient for limited resources.

The hardware and software work together to perform the required tasks. For example, an embedded system in a car would need to control the engine, brakes, lights, windows and entertainment system. It would need to be able to read data from sensors such as speed, temperature, and engine RPM. Plus, it would need to output data such as turn signals, brake lights and windshield wipers.

The embedded system may also need to interact with a human user. Thus, it may have a display and keypad or other input devices.

The Basic Structure Required for an Embedded System

The basic structure of an embedded system includes a processor, sensor, memory, D-A converters, input/output (I/O) interfaces, graphical user interfaces, and software.

The processor is the heart of the embedded system. It is a central processing unit (CPU) that allows all the integrations of the embedded system. The design of the type of processor used in an embedded system depends on the application. For example, a simple embedded system for a toy may use a microcontroller, while a more complex embedded system, such as the one in an airplane, may use a microprocessor.

A sensor is a device that converts physical quantity into electrical signals. It senses the conditions of the external world and provides input to the embedded system.

Memory stores data and programs. There are two types of memory: volatile and non-volatile. Volatile memory, such as RAM, loses its contents when the power is off. Non-volatile memory, such as ROM, retains its contents even when the power is off.

D-A converters convert digital signals into analog signals. I/O interfaces connect the embedded system to the outside world. They provide a means for the system to receive input from and send output to the external world.

Graphical user interfaces (GUI) provide a visual interface between the embedded system and the user. The GUI enables the user to interact with the embedded system without needing to understand the underlying hardware and software.

Applications of an Embedded Systems

There are embedded systems in various products, from toys and machine learning to aircraft. Many industries use ES, including automotive, aerospace, the development of consumer electronics, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Some common examples of embedded systems include:

Mobile Devices, Computers, and Consumer Electronics

Smartphones, digital cameras, and gaming consoles are consumer electronics with embedded systems. These devices typically have a:

  1. processor,
  2. memory,
  3. and I/O interfaces.

They may also have a display and keypad or other input devices.

Consumer electronics such as washing machines have an embedded system to control the various motors and sensors. An embedded system may have a microcontroller, memory, and I/O interfaces in a washer machine. It will also have a display, keypad, or other input devices to allow the user to select the wash cycle, temperature, and spin speed.

Mesh Networks and Cloud Software

A mesh network is a group of devices connected to wireless networks, typically to create a LAN. Devices in the mesh network connect to two or more other devices. If one machine fails, the others can still maintain a connection.

A cloud-based embedded system stores software on a remote server. Access to this system is through the "cloud." This type of system is becoming increasingly common as more and more devices connect to the internet.

Various embedded systems applications use mesh networks, including military communication, disaster relief, and smart cities. Cloud software manages large-scale data centre operations.

Mesh networks and cloud software using embedded systems for various purposes. For example, mesh networks use embedded systems to route data packets between nodes in the network, and cloud software uses embedded systems to store and manage data in the cloud.

Electric Vehicles and Other Electronic Systems

Electric vehicles and other electronic systems use embedded systems for various tasks such as sensing the battery charging level, monitoring the status of doors and windows, and controlling the electric motors. The active safety system in a car uses an embedded system to detect and avoid potential accidents. It includes pedestrian recognition, automatic braking, and lane departure warning. Electric vehicles further incorporate battery management systems to ensure that electric batteries are used efficiently, reliably, and safely.

Invest in Quality Products To Build Your Complex System

Embedded systems applications are in everything from cars and phones to coffee machines and medical implants. Their basic structure includes a microprocessor connected to input and output devices. Use these to control the temperature of your office fridge. Or you can use it to monitor how fast your car's engine is running.

The applications for embedded systems are endless, so Novotech has developed an all-in-one sensor solution that makes it easy for you to get started with monitoring your business or home environment.

Our 8-in-1 sensor solution includes sensors for temperature, humidity, motion, light, sound level, CO2 concentration, contact closure, and voltage detection. For industrial usage, we have partnered with ELA innovation to develop beacons and sensors to track people and equipment. So, if you want to start monitoring environmental data in your office or home, why not try our sensor solution? It's the perfect way to start scanning your surroundings using embedded systems.