What the heck Is C-Band? How does It relate to 5G?

What the heck Is C-Band? How does It relate to 5G?

Larry Bellehumeur |

The Federal Communications Commission granted C-band spectrum licenses in 2021. The rollout of the 5G C-band in the U.S. was to begin in early 2022. However, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stated that 5G C-band transmissions could interfere with aircraft instruments, delaying the launch. C-Band Spectrum plays a key role in 5G development. This spectrum specifically lies between the 3.7GHz and 3.98GHz frequency bands, ideal for providing fixed broadband services over a considerable distance.

Understanding this type of spectrum will help you understand how its usage and benefits tie into 5G technology. Let’s explore the question, "what is C-band spectrum?" and learn how its capabilities can improve wireless communication worldwide.

What Is C-Band 5G and How Does It Work?

It's vital first to explain a crucial aspect of how 5G works to respond to these questions. The fifth-generation technology uses three essential spectrum ranges: low-band, mid-band, and high-band. These spectrum bands offer varying capacities and speeds on mobile broadband technology. To best understand, it's helpful to note that "Hz" stands for "hertz," which indicates the transmission frequency of radio signals in cycles per second. Wireless computer networks operate at a range of frequencies called "bands." Different types of communication avoid a collision by operating on various frequencies.

  • Low-band 5G uses frequencies between 600 MHz and 1GHz. The low-band spectrum offers the most extensive coverage but the least data capacity and speed. It has slower speeds than the other two spectrums.
  • Mid-band spectrum lies between the 1GHz to 6GHz bands. It has a great balance between coverage and speed.
  • High-band 5G utilizes frequencies from 24GHz band up to 100GHz. The high-band spectrum provides the fastest connection speeds, but its coverage is more limited. It is useful for short distances but provides high download speeds.

So, what is the C-band 5G spectrum? C-band 5G is a mid-band spectrum between low- and high-band spectrums. Generally, it uses frequencies from 3.7GHz to 4.2GHz. It offers faster speeds than the low-band spectrum and broader coverage than the high-band spectrum. This makes it an excellent option for many 5G applications.

C-band 5G provides speed and coverage for a better customer experience when streaming live videos, gaming online, and using social media. The C-band spectrum provides better reliability because it's less prone to interference from other radio frequency signals. This makes it an ideal option for businesses that rely on data transmission. C-band satellite signals transmit through antennas mounted on poles, towers, or rooftops.

Why Are C-Band Frequencies Important?

C-band frequencies provide reliable access to communications services. For example, C-band is used for aviation radar and in-flight entertainment systems. Additionally, it’s common for emergency services and search and rescue operations to use C-band frequencies for communication due to their fast speeds.

The 5G C-band integrates multiple networks on a single physical infrastructure. Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) trunking is a technique for separating different networks. It works through the VLAN configuration to accept traffic from one or more LAN segments. It ensures that each network has its unique identity regarding traffic management, security settings, and other access protocols.

C-Band Spectrum and 5G

The C-band spectrum is increasingly vital for network providers as 5G is rolled out. This mid-band frequency offers faster network speeds than 4G. This improvement makes it ideal for efficient network speeds on mobile devices and for avoiding network congestion. C-band will be available from most major carriers including Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile some time in 2023.

Let's see how the C-band spectrum ties into 5G.

Offers a Mid-Band Spectrum

C-band offers a mid-band spectrum for 5G that provides an ideal balance between speed and coverage. It is neither too high nor too low on the spectrum, making it an ideal choice for 5G networks. It lies between 3.7GHz and 4.2GHz, the perfect middle ground between sub-6GHz and mmWave spectrums. This location provides a much larger range of frequencies than other spectrum parts. It enables operators to achieve a larger coverage area while maintaining fast connection speeds.

Additionally, it has much lower latency than higher bands, which is essential for 5G applications such as virtual and augmented reality. C-Band is also a cost-effective solution for operators. It requires less infrastructure to build and maintain than other spectrum bands. This makes it an excellent choice for operators needing fast, reliable 5G coverage but having budget constraints.

Reduces Outages and Downtime

C-band technology helps reduce outages and downtime in 5G networks. It accomplishes this by improving the reliability and strength of the signal. The broader bandwidth of C-band satellite transmissions allows for more reliable satellite signals, improving uptime. This feature is critical for 5G networks that require higher connection speeds to operate effectively. 5G networks require larger bandwidth, and satellite transmissions are more reliable than terrestrial sources.

Offers a Wider Range of Coverage

C-band is a key component of 5G networks due to its ability to offer wider area coverage than previous generations of wireless communications. It has greater signal propagation capabilities than other frequencies, allowing it to penetrate obstacles easily and reach more users over a given area. Additionally, C-band signals can travel longer distances than other frequencies with high speed, benefitting municipalities and rural areas with fewer cell towers.

Boosts Productivity for Businesses

With a broader range of frequencies, C-band offers better coverage, peak speeds, and lower latency than traditional cellular networks. For instance, doctors can use medical robots miles away and perform surgery with a low lag. For example, in 2019, doctors successfully removed the liver from a lab animal with a lag of 0.1 seconds. These qualities make it an ideal solution for businesses that need to transmit large amounts of data quickly. The 5G spectrum also offers optimal reliability, with fewer service disruptions, thus improving business productivity. Additionally, this spectrum grants businesses access to more data, streamlining workflows.

Improves Customer Experience

The C-band spectrum plays a significant role in improving customer experience. Its speed allows mobile devices to access data faster and reliably. The network experience is noticeably enhanced, especially when using mobile applications that need high connection speeds, such as mobile gaming. Customers that have had some trouble with the speed of 5G will see a considerable improvement with C-band.

Find the Best 5G Solution for You

C-band frequencies are essential in improving 5G wireless networks by providing a mid-band spectrum that offers faster speeds and a more extended range than other frequencies. These features help reduce outages and downtime. Moreover, businesses can enjoy improved reliability and faster connection speeds when transmitting large amounts of data.

You need the right technology to get the most out of your 5G network. Industry leader Novotech distributes IoT devices and services that optimize your 5G network performance. They offer cellular routers, antennas, modules, and signal boosters to ensure you have the right tools for your 5G network. Contact us today to discover how we can help you get the best 5G experience.