Advantages of Cloud Managed Routers

First, Let's talk about Routers in general

Most people know what a router is: a product that grants internet connectivity to nearby devices. Traditional routers are relatively small and have up to several antennas. The ports in your devices connect to the router, which connects to the Internet via 4G, 5G, or fibre. The result is all devices being can access the Internet in the same network.

This system works well for home networks and small businesses, as the router range is just right. However, outside this area, your device will not benefit from the router. Furthermore, most routers are only managed from within this radius.

This poses several problems. One such issue is that most traditional routers are usually isolated from each other. It is a problem for large businesses spread out over multiple locations and therefore required to operate from various networks. Additionally, suppose a network goes down due to faulty Internet. In that case, until the local issue is resolved, it may become impossible to get back online which can bring operations to a halt.

Fortunately, when there's a problem, there's usually a solution. In this case, the IT world has delivered a solution in the form of cloud-managed routers.

What are Cloud Managed Routers?

Cloud-managed routers are network devices that connect the clients in their vicinity. They connect not only with each other but any other network or client that benefits from the same service. If a router can connect to the cloud, it can become part of a network that spans the entire world. Furthermore, you can manage any router in the whole network remotely, no matter where in the world you are. It's easy to imagine how convenient this makes them. Especially for large businesses operating in multiple cities or countries.

Cloud managed routers are offered as network services by providers such as Semtech and Cradlepoint. They usually run on a subscription-based model. Fortunately, Manufacturers may include a period of coverage with a router purchase. AirLink Complete by Semtech is a perfect example.

Those who have used cloud managed routers can attest to how simple and convenient they are. Over the long term, they can save you time and money to be better used for growing your business.

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Managed wifi Technologies?

Of course, cloud managed routers have other benefits as well. Read on to learn if you or your business can benefit from cloud routers.

Built-In Security Prevents Unauthorized Access to Applications

Virtually everyone that uses a computer is concerned with network security since nobody wants strangers to access our personal information. Businesses have an arguably greater stake in this. Unauthorized access can lead to leaks of information or misuse of applications.

Fortunately, cloud managed routers grant access to an encrypted, well-managed, and secure network. For example, the Cradlepoint NetCloud Manager includes CP Secure Threat Management with its Advanced package. Upgrading further to Enterprise adds threat management and application firewall features.

Cloud-Based Routers Increase Application Storage

Traditional routers typically have a limited amount of memory. This limit is probably suitable for your household or living community. However, it can be debilitating for large businesses with many devices and applications.

Cloud management solves this problem. These routers share their memory with the entire network, which reduces or even eliminates the need for individual storage. It allows businesses to comfortably expand as needed. And, it also reduces the headaches that result from data management.

Better Out of Band Management

When your network goes down for any reason, any devices that were connected to that network will be affected. This can make it challenging to get back online and will often require on-site action. For those reliant on traditional routers, this can be expensive and time-consuming.

With OOBM, you can access and manage the network wireless through the cloud. Further, you can troubleshoot and solve most problems.

Efficient and High-Performance Routing

If your network relies on standard routers, you are at the mercy of your local Internet. For large businesses, coordinating several local networks, each with its own setup, can be a logistical nightmare. Further, if one router goes down, your entire may grind to a halt.

Cloud managed routers merge all of your networks into one community. They also use some of the fastest, highest-end technology to do so. Deploying routers with cloud storage increases efficiency by reducing downtime, protecting your connection, and making network management easy.

Simple and Scalable Cloud Managed Network

While the advantages of cloud managed services are clear for large businesses, they are extremely helpful for growing businesses. This is because of how easy they are to scale.

Setting up a new workspace has many existing challenges, so why let internet connectivity be one of them? Cloud managed routers are easy to set up and use, and adding devices to your network is a breeze. Investing in cloud managed services early on can save you a lot of time and money down the road.

Invest in a NetCloud Manager to Improve Your Wireless Network

Hopefully, this article illustrated why any business with multiple networks to manage should look to cloud-managed routers. The added efficiency, simplicity, and security they offer make them a superior choice over ethernet or other routers.

That being said, you should still deploy the best cloud-managed routers for you and your needs. Cradlepoint's NetCloud Manager is one of our favorite options. It provides simplicity, security, and effectiveness, allowing for zero-touch management and deployment. And, the cost of the managed service is included in the price of the product.

AirLink Complete from Semtech is another fantastic option for management service. Semtech Routers are sold with 1 year of AirLink included at no additional fee. It includes a hardware warranty, technical support, and a lifetime of free firmware.

You can find the perfect cloud managed router on Novotech's website.