Want the basics of bluetooth modules? We've got it for you right here!

Bluetooth Modules IconA revolution in connectivity and streaming, Bluetooth is now a household name. Used by countless devices around the world, many people rely on Bluetooth to stream music, information, and even locations. Understanding how they work, however, is another story. Most users aren't aware of the inner workings of their Bluetooth devices, which can make it challenging to get the most out of them.

What is a Bluetooth module? What are the different protocols? How can I use this technology?

If you're asking yourself these questions, then this article will help you understand Bluetooth better. Keep reading to learn more about Bluetooth modules and their many applications.

What Are Bluetooth Modules?

Bluetooth is a type of wireless technology that uses low-energy radio waves to send and receive information between devices. A Bluetooth module, specifically, is a chip that remotely connects two compatible devices using these low-energy waves. Without a Bluetooth module board, your devices have no way of connecting, and some may even be incapable of operating.

Bluetooth's design and lack of reliance on wires makes it ideal for audio streaming. This is how it became so popular and widespread. But new internet of things (IoT) applications for the technology have emerged, such as tracking and monitoring.

There are two types of Bluetooth modules: Classic and Low Energy. Bluetooth Classic is used to transmit larger amounts of data, such as music or voices. The Bluetooth Low Energy Module specializes in solutions calling for less data, such as location pings and sensor data transmission.

How Bluetooth Module Technology Works

The primary draw of Bluetooth technology is the ability to send and receive data via radio waves instead of wires. This is made possible by internal antennas that allow remote communication between devices. When a compatible device is switched on, it emits a signal that other devices can recognize and connect to. Once connected, they can send each other data. This differentiates Bluetooth modules from Wi-Fi modules, which only connect a device to the internet.

Bluetooth networks are called piconets, and they rely on a master/slave system. Masters can connect to multiple devices, and slaves can only connect with masters (not other slaves). This means that slaves are unable to communicate with each other, so it falls on the master to send commands and facilitate the transmission of data. 

Bluetooth Module Protocols

Bluetooth module protocols can be separated into two categories: Classic and Low Energy. While they're quite different, they both operate on a frequency of 2.4 GHz, an unlicensed frequency band.

Classic Bluetooth

This is the first version of Bluetooth, developed in the late 1990s, and continues to operate on 79 channels. While Low Energy is better for sending more basic information, Classic excels at streaming audio, which requires more data. This capability established Bluetooth as the go-to technology for wireless music streaming. There are other things it can do as well, such as mobile printing.

Bluetooth Low Energy

This version of Bluetooth only operates on 40 channels, but it has far more flexibility than its predecessor. In addition to the aforementioned piconet system, the Bluetooth Low Energy module also supports the broadcast and mesh topologies. This makes it essential in building large-scale networks. On top of that, it also facilitates device positioning technology. This allows devices to detect each other's location, distance, and even direction.

Bluetooth Connectivity Applications

As you can imagine, the possibilities of Bluetooth are vast, and they're only expanding. Let's go over a few of them now:

  • Audio streaming. Bluetooth module audio streaming is probably its most well-known application. Before Bluetooth, most audio devices, such as headphones and speakers, required a physical connection via wire. Not only was this uncomfortable and annoying, but it could also be dangerous behind the wheel. With Bluetooth, these issues no longer exist, and streaming audio has never been easier to access and enjoy.
  • Data transfer. Because Bluetooth operates at such low levels of energy, sending data between devices is quick and convenient. This makes it great for industries, such as traffic and construction, that require a constant, up-to-date stream of ever-changing conditions. It can also save lives, as proven by the hospitals around the world that use Bluetooth to dispatch ambulances at a faster rate.
  • Location services. Bluetooth can give you directions to where you need to go, but there are many industrial applications to this function as well. For example, many manufacturers rely on Bluetooth to track shipments, supplies, and equipment in transit. This function spills over into the mail industry, since Bluetooth can be used to track mail and packages alike. It also functions well indoors, making it a superior option to GPS when traversing train stations and airports.
  • Network building. While Bluetooth is often thought of as a consumer product, it can also help build massive networks. Its ability to monitor conditions like light, temperature, and occupancy is only part of its appeal. It can also automate these functions to maximize the productivity of your employees and keep maintenance costs to a minimum. This, on top of its ability to connect thousands of devices, makes it a terrific core pillar of your company.

Shop Our Wide Selection of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Modules

No matter your lot in life, there's almost certainly a way for Bluetooth to help you. To get the most out of it, though, you need the optimal module. If you choose one that isn't compatible with your systems, it won't do you any good. Your Bluetooth module's range and price are also important to consider.

If you're looking to get into Bluetooth, Novotech is the perfect place to start. Not only do we carry the most high-quality IoT hardware on the market, but we're also a treasure trove of Bluetooth module information. We make it easy to figure out what you need and obtain it at a low cost.

Are you a software developer? Browse our Bluetooth module kits today!

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