Larry Bellehumeur

  1. How can an M2M solution help your business? the last post, we touched on just what an M2M solution was.  However, most business owners/managers don't usually have a lot of interest in the technology itself.....rather, how does this technology help my business?  Technology usually helps in two ways: reducing cost (clerical, compliance, fuel, etc.) and increasing productivity (reducing driving, better information in […]
  2. What exactly is M2M, anyways?

    I was at a dinner party once, and I overheard my wife telling someone that "my husband works in the Machine to Machine space, something to do with modems".  Then it hit me....not everyone knows what M2M is.  Sure, it's in a lot of the technology headlines, and people have probably heard of some of […]
  3. Developing a new solution...Cellular module, SocketModem or Modem?

    Hello again, and thanks for taking time to read my blog! At Novotech, we sell a large variety of products that allow customers to acheive their M2M needs.  These products have a wide range of cost, functionality and integration requirements.  So....which one is right for you, to meet your needs now, and in the future? […]
  4. Do you know the "true" cost of a modem

    At Novotech, we sell a wide variety of modems, which allows us to provide products that fit the vast majority of any customer’s needs.  When asked what selection criteria they use to determine which modem to use, many customers list “Hardware Cost” as one of their top choices.  This makes a lot of sense, as […]

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