Larry Bellehumeur

  1. Self-powered sensors: A game changer for IoT?

      Traveling is so much more complicated than it used to be.  You might say, “yeah, the extra security lines and the size of airports are making it harder.”  No, I am actually referring to the number of chargers that I need to bring … phones, watches, headphones and more are filling up my carry-on […]

  2. Is IoT “the next Apple” for the world of Technology?

    To start, this blog post was created after reading one of the many great articles from Kara Swisher.  If you are a fan of technology, you need to read her stuff …  For those of you who are under 21, this will end up being a bit of a history lesson, as you likely don’t […]

  3. 5G: “Do we need to build a wall?”

    As I write this, the US Government is currently shut down over the building of a border wall.  Now, there are some wide differences in opinion as to whether this wall is needed, but I think most people, even in these divided times, understand the importance of security.  While this is applicable to a country’s […]

  4. Robots are smart and motivated, humans are dumb and lazy

    Much of the talk about automation is that people find every little reason to complain about the introduction of robots, while failing to understand much of the benefits they have.  On the flip side, they tend to overstate the “upside” of humans while downplaying the negatives that dealing with a human brings … I guess […]

  5. The one person who really likes a good traffic jam

    Ok, put up your hand if you enjoy being stuck in a really bad traffic jam … anyone?  I didn’t think so.  However, that isn’t totally true, as there are a few companies that truly benefit from excessive gridlock.    In addition to those who repair your car (which suffers more wear and tear in […]

  6. How IoT is changing the modern day airport

    I remember landing in the Atlanta airport late one night, only to find out that the connector train was not working.  I was as far away from where I needed to be as possible, and I remember thinking that I have never walked so far without going outdoors in my life.  It seems that a […]

  7. Black Friday: The worst time for your Internet connection to go down

    \n\tIf you flash back 30 years, there were three ways that most people paid for things at a store, in an era before the invention of the Point of Sale Terminal.  Many paid for it in cash, some used credit cards (that the clerk had to call to get an authorization from the credit card […]

  8. Seeing the true you in the mirror ... Can you handle a Naked Scan? ​

    In late 2013, I decided that enough was enough.  I was tired of being overweight and I proceeded to change my life over the next year by dropping over 50 lbs and getting into the best shape of my life (at age 42).    As I inch closer towards my 47th birthday, I have managed […]

  9. People Sweden Are Getting “Microchipped” ... Should You Do It Too?

    A while back, a company (Three Square Market) made headlines as they were offering to implant an RFID microchip inside of the hands of their employees.  The idea was to replace things like keys and access cards.  Labour groups around the world went berserk, referencing movies like “1984” in the process. It appears that these […]

  10. Why hasn’t Mobile Wallet become even more popular?

    They use to have a joke back when Blackberries were all of the rage, and they called it “phantom buzzing.”  Even when an avid user would not have it on their hip, they used to claim they could still feel the buzz.  This highlighted how much users missed their device when they did not have […]

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