Larry Bellehumeur

  1. Roomba: Not only eats my iPhone cables, but it also spies on me now?

    Hello and thanks for reading.   At our Novotech head office, we have a Roomba that routinely makes its way around our office, keeping the carpets nice and neat.  For the most part, it kind of does its own thing….which often includes eating my iPhone cable that is plugged into the wall.  While it doesn’t […]

  2. IoT means a loss of privacy, often for those who do not even use it

    \n\t Hello and thanks for reading.  As the world that we live in continues to grow, it raises some interesting questions.  One of them that I like is, “is there anything that is a secret anymore?”  I mean, most of us will keep certain pieces of key information to ourselves.  I don’t know any of […]

  3. An IoT modem shopping list

    Hello and thanks for reading. As I try to maintain the weight loss that I was able to accomplish about 18 months ago, I find that one great way to do it is to use a shopping list for the grocery store. It helps to keep you focused on what you need and to avoid […]

  4. Will IoT help us break the 2-hour Marathon barrier?

    Photo: Courtesy of the Boston Athletic Association As I write this, my mind is focused on running.  Well, to be honest, I do think about running a lot, so that is not new.  However, today is a bit different…today, the Boston Marathon takes place.  Before the horrific incident a few years back, paying attention to […]

  5. Food delivery just got a whole lot 'cooler'

    While I never actually did it, most of my friends delivered food as a job at some point in their high school / college life.  I mean, it wasn’t exactly the hardest job to do and if you had the right route, it could actually be reasonably lucrative thanks to some generous gratuities. One of […]

  6. Will 5G mean the end of all hard-wired connections? Hardly...

    I feel old.  Not because my eyes are going and my body is creaking (I will leave those complaints to my business partner, Richard Hobbs).  I feel old because I was around in this space BEFORE 1G came out.  Now, we’re hearing more and more about the upcoming launch of 5G… And….the speeds are incredible.  […]

  7. Engineering: Most valued degree in upcoming world of automation

    As a father of two boys, 12 and 6, I naturally worry about their future.  I think all parents do, so I am definitely not alone.  I worry about things like health, happiness and them having a good marriage. But as a pragmatic person, I tend to think more about things I can have an […]

  8. Watson makes it move into taxes…what is next?

    As a whole, I am pretty good with numbers.  As a salesperson, I was always strong at calculating things like margin and selling discount levels.  As an owner of a growing business, there are always numbers to look at…..growth rates, interest rates and payroll are just a few of them.  However, like most people, I […]

  9. The move to cloud is exciting, unless you are looking for a job.

    Ok, not sure if you are like me, but I have wondered why more college kids don’t use the term “cloud” as a drinking game….much the same as they did in 2008 with Sarah Palin and the term “Maverick”….thanks to SNL for that! It seems that everyone wants to be part of the cloud.  As […]

  10. Water cooler chat just got a lot shorter thanks to IoT

    I have often told this story, so if you have heard it, I ask in advance for your patience.  When I was a data solutions specialist at a carrier, one of our customers was a large steel mill.  They had noticed over the years that their on-premise trucks (the ones that never went more than […]

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