Larry Bellehumeur

  1. Yawn...IoT predictions

    You would think that I would be a huge fan of closed systems.  I mean, I love Apple, and they are the biggest closed technology system on the planet.  Steve Jobs used to talk about how companies needed to make both the software AND the hardware in-house to make things run smoothly.  The result is […]
  2. Why the IoT Club is the easiest club to join in the world…

  3. Cisco makes a big move into IoT, eh?

    Submitted by Larry Bellehumeur on March 11, 2014 - 11:02am In case some of you don’t understand the joke in the headline, it refers to how Canadians have a horrible habit of adding “eh?” to the end of many sentences, turning statements into questions.  Funny thing is that I don’t even realize that I am doing it most […]
  4. Why M2M takes Big Data to new heights

    I read a great article (trying to find it, to give it its proper due, but have been unsuccessful) that outlined some of the ways that US retailers are using big data to better target particular groups of shoppers.  The group they were targeting here might surprise you.....the “late night Dad”. When the drug store […]
  5. Giving consumers the power to "jolt" their brain...what could go wrong?

    Back in college, as a way to make money to pay for tuition (and maybe the odd beer), I used to work a weekend security job on the overnight shift.  One of the biggest issues used to be staying awake all night….which I must now confess, I usually did not.  There was only so much […]

  6. M2M: Just as sweet by any other name

    M2M – The Industry Ok, that is a first – I have never used a quote from Shakespeare before.  The title of this blog, in case some of you don’t remember your Grade 10 English class, is a play on Shakespeare’s line from Romeo and Juliet (“a rose by any other name would smell as […]

  7. Cellular Modem Deployment: 3 Cost Areas to Consider

      One of the issues that many people face when they make a big purchase is they often don't understand all of the costs that may be involved once they make that purchase. Take your first car as an example....once you buy it, you have to insure it, maintain it, fill it up with gas […]
  8. Professor Hawking and Elon Musk are warning us, but are we going to listen?

    Ok, as much as I have been in sales for a long time, there is still a big part of me that will always be a nerd.  In fact, three of the people I idolize most are men who came from the world of science. The first one is Thomas Edison, whom most of us know […]

  9. On hold listening to Yanni music...Could M2M end this torture?

    Ok, first, I have no actual qualms with Yanni….he likely has a lot of fans.  And, to be honest, I don’t know his music well enough to actually identify that it was his.  Nevertheless, I recently spent 45 minutes on hold waiting to get a simple password reset for a web page with a government agency.  It was […]

  10. Shout out to IBM for pushing to standardize M2M

    Device Management: I get asked a lot about what is required to manage a successful M2M solution.  There are a lot of moving components, and it can be daunting.  Once you have made up your mind that you want to proceed (developed a business case, secured funding), you now have to decide the right combination for […]

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