
  1. 5G can bridge the Digital Infrastructure gap in the US

    Regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum in the US, there is one thing that most people cannot deny … some states have done much better than others, financially, over the past 30 years.  Now, each side will have their own arguments as to why and how to fix it, perhaps even with […]

  2. 10 Good Things To Know About 5G

    Date: January 18th, 2017   5G is coming, but few know much about it.  Not to worry, here are 10 things that will help you sound as if you are “in the know.”   It is fast …like really fast. When you hear about cellular network speeds, think of it like your car speedometer.  Just […]

  3. 5G Infrastructure

    What Are 5G Cell Towers and How Do They Work? 5G cell towers are completely different than previous technologies. They are not only more advanced, but they use much higher and more intense frequencies. (Which is why people are so concerned about the health risks, read more here.)  The millimetre wave frequencies that 5G towers use [...]
  4. Cities should add IoT solutions now while things are quieter

    The other day, I noticed that the city had shut down 2 out of 3 lanes (in each direction) of a major artery and were paving the roads. With the reduction in traffic caused by the virus, traffic flowed just about at the same speed as usual. It was great to see streets paved in [...]
  5. Is 5G Dangerous?

    Many articles do indeed stipulate that 5G wireless signals are safe for humans, however many are still afraid. Novotech has put together this article from numerous technology-based publications about health risks and dangers associated with 5G. People are afraid of 5G because there is a possible link between wireless signals and certain types of cancer, [...]
  6. A Guide To Cellular Technologies

    4G LTE: Proven technology that you already know   The majority of smartphones run on 4G technology today, so most people have a comfort factor.  For many applications, it has been the default way to connect IoT for the past few years.   Features of the technology • Proven reliability and extensive network coverage in [...]
  7. Why your GrubHub order doesn’t arrive without IoT

    I have to admit; I was not one of the early adopters when it came to using food apps. Perhaps it is my age, maybe it is my level of pickiness when eating, or perhaps it is that I am a decent cook. Whatever the reason, I never saw what all of the fuss was [...]
  8. Kids may not go back to school in September… IoT is here to help either way

    For the past two months, my wife (along with millions of other parents) is doing her new day job: a 3rd and 9th-grade teacher. The kids are still doing a fair amount of work online through various platforms and seem to be maintaining some schedule. Like most parents, though, we are wondering how long this [...]
  9. COVID is making it tougher for retailers to use IoT to fight off Amazon

    I have written before about how much I am not a big fan of malls (or any in-store shopping for that matter). I usually know what I want, and, if available online, I will typically buy it. Based on trends over the past decade, I may be somewhat alone on this, as the percentage of [...]
  10. Securing 5G: How do we secure a “dirty network?”

    5G is everywhere. It is not the actual network itself, as it is only available sparingly in some areas but instead, let's talk about how our lives are going to change. Who needs to go to a hospital when your doctor can operate from anywhere? Traffic jams?  They will disappear once we all have self-driving [...]

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