
  1. 5G in Canada

    Many Canadians have questions about the elusive 5G. Although other countries have had great success with 5G, we still haven't seen Canada take to 5G as quickly as many originally thought. Here is a brief article about 5G, what it is, and when it's set to thrive in Canada.   What is 5G? 5G stands [...]
  2. Why companies who “automated” have fared the best in 2020

    As an avid follower of the stock market, I am always on the lookout for an early sign of a trend to make money. There have been some great long-term trends over the past few years, ranging from the move for people to eat healthier, the “greening” of the energy market and, of course, the [...]
  3. How IoT optimizes the Construction and Infrastructure Industry  

    When one thinks of construction, a lot of things may come to mind: cool pieces of large machinery, very tall cranes and of course, very hard-working men and women. One thing that you might not think of is technology, and that belief is well-founded. The construction and infrastructure industry has been routinely ranked very low [...]
  4. Automation: COVID-19 is removing opposition like never before

    One of the most heated topics in the world of retail used to be, “should you use the automated checkout line?” Many people were adamantly against the use of them as they felt they were putting cashiers out of work. However, I am not sure that this is as much the case anymore. On my [...]
  5. AirLink® LX60: Dual Ethernet LTE Router Unboxing

    Watch our walkthrough video of all ports, LED lights and features on the LX60, as well as the contents in each box you'll receive after purchase.   LX60 Benefits   The Sierra Wireless AirLink® LX60 is the industry’s first LTE and LTE-M / NB-IoT router for commercial and enterprise applications. The LX60 offers: Superior coverage [...]
  6. Thales Terminal Unboxing Video and Comparison Chart

    Watch the PLS62T Unboxing Video Below The Terminal for Global Deployments Offering 12 Bands of LTE Cat.1, 7 bands 3G and Quad Band 2G, the PLS62WT Terminal facilities easy to integrate connectivity on globally deployed mature networks. Java for Fast Application Development Embedded Java eases and speeds application development, offering a broad choice of tools, reusable [...]
  7. Cellular vs Landline Explained - An interview with Scott Deyoe

    Here’s a link to the podcast of this article: https://iotms.podbean.com/e/special-covid-episode-5-the-nerds-take-over/   Larry – Scott, thanks for taking time out of your schedule to join us on the podcast. To start, many people listening are experts in using traditional landline-based connectivity for both their in-office workers as well as those working from home. First Question Aside […]

  8. Why Cellular data is the best choice for most remote workers

    It has been hard to escape the news about how most of the world is now working from home during this stressful time. Whether its issues with connectivity, concerns about data security or just funny memes of people dealing with the fun of small children in their home office, it is top of mind for [...]
  9. How IoT Is Helping Us Fight COVID-19

    IoT is all about information. It provides an excellent way for information that was typically difficult to get (or even impossible) to be retrieved, processed and used to make more informed decisions. IoT allows for better traffic flow in our cities, improved quality and safety in our food systems and weather forecasters to make more [...]
  10. Better Coverage, High Speed and Optimal Security

    As the global work landscape changes around us, we want to provide a quick guide on solutions your business might need and the technology behind it. Read below to see how we help those impacted by the evolving global situation. The Remote Worker We have solutions to enable your company to work safely from home [...]

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