Larry Bellehumeur

  1. Selling M2M vs. Selling Smartphones: M2M Wins

    For anyone who has read some of my previous posts, it is pretty fair to describe me as a bit of a "techie nerd".  I try to chalk it up to my work....I mean, I am an owner in a Technology company, so I really should use this stuff, but the reality is that I […]
  2. How ballistic COULD M2M become?

    Last winter, I was stuck in a pretty major traffic jam, one that took me about 4 times as long as normal to get home.  Eventually, we determined that it was because of a serious (in terms of vehicle damage, likely no one was injured) collision where a car rear-ended another vehicle.  Amazingly, when I […]
  3. Good reads about M2M that should not be missed

    Not sure about you, but I find that I do some of my best thinking trying to kill time during all of the tedious steps involved in flying.  I wonder how much faster Edison would have discovered the light bulb if he had to stand in line to board planes a couple of times a […]
  4. Who is – and who isn’t – the ideal M2M customer?

    As much as I enjoy writing about the M2M industry, I also enjoy reading other good articles and blog posts about it just as much.  What has amazed me is how far along the industry has come, and the level of writing/knowledge used in many of these articles illustrates that growth. 5 cool things that […]
  5. Valid Concerns and Fixes to Having a Clear M2M Strategy

    This past weekend, I had the pleasure of participating in a race that was part of Calgary's Marathon weekend.  You know, "stupid thing that causes all of the roads to be blocked while idiots try to kill themselves running" (at least, according to the rant from a gentleman in the airport).  These races, which are […]
  6. Is M2M a waste of money?

    Being involved in the world of M2M for well over a decade, this stuff comes way too easy to Novotech, and sometimes we forget how confusing it can be for many organizations. According to a recent study by VDC Research, the majority of customers do not have an M2M strategy.  What was more stunning to me was […]
  7. Note to MDM Companies: You Need M2M Functionality Now

    One of the hottest trends in both the IT and wireless world is MDM or Mobile Device Management.  This first started as part of the Blackberry offering a decade or so ago.  For the first time, companies had true control over a mobile device when it was away from the office.  Companies were able to control […]
  8. M2M: Fueling Massive Demand for Data Analytics Specialists

    M2M - The Industry Growing up in Toronto, an annual treat was the chance to go to the CNE (the Canadian National Exhibition, or known locally as “the Ex”).  It was a bunch of temporary rides that probably “just” passed safety inspection….in fact, one of the thrills for some of these rides might have been […]
  9. Welcome aboard, Google

      I read a great article the other day on how one of the fastest growing occupations is in the field of Data Analytics.  It seems demand for Data Analytics expertise is insatiable and crossing all vertical markets including many government agencies.  The number of people employed in this field doubled in the past two years alone […]
  10. Interesting things being written about M2M

    In past blogs, I have commented how several large technology companies (from Apple to Microsoft) have moved way too slow when it came to the world of M2M / IoT.  These companies simply had too many of the required building blocks in place (combined with the huge growth that this market offers) to not make a serious run […]

Items 211 to 220 of 274 total
