Larry Bellehumeur

  1. Smartphone penetration is high…now what?

    It is that time of the quarter again….companies are putting out their quarterly results.  In the case of the wireless world, many of us go through and look for key metrics as to how these companies are doing. Aside from some of the usual metrics (ARPU, churn rate, subscriber growth), I like to follow what […]
  2. Why M2M solutions will never fully replace humans

    You may ask, “Ok, after dozens of blog posts talking about all of the reasons why people should use an M2M solution, why are you now writing a blog post that says what an M2M solution does NOT do?”  While there is some truth to that statement, I see it a bit differently, in that […]
  3. Big trends in tech that will make “someone” rich in 2014

    I was forwarded a great article the other day.  It talks a lot about some trends in the technology industry, and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy that we are involved in some of the areas that we are. Here are some thoughts: PCs are so yesterday With a projected drop of 6% in revenue […]
  4. Explaining M2M at Dinner Parties

    I clearly remember when I first started in what is now called the M2M space, back in the 1990s.  You can imagine how difficult it was to explain to people exactly what I did.  Keep in mind, the idea of using cellular networks for anything other than voice calls was quite unique and very much […]
  5. M2M: Helping Marketers Everywhere

    I have to thank our Marketing guru, Carolyn, for the inspiration on this one.  She shared with me one of the most unique presentations I have ever seen on the topic of marketing.  I encourage you to watch this Slideshare presentation... The idea is simple....if you market like it is 1970, 1990 or even 2003, you […]
  6. Could better M2M have helped Hank find the real Heisenberg sooner?

    **Update on September 20th** - It was kind of fitting (based on my previous article) that Jessie, Hank and Gomez used the GPS co-ordinates from Walt's phone to track his location.  If Hank would have used the same technology before on Gustavo Fring, the show would have been much shorter and not nearly as exciting!! […]
  7. M&A in the M2M space: 5 Hunter and Prey Predictions

    Telit recently announced it has entered into a deal to acquire ILS.   On all levels, this deal made a lot of sense for Telit, as the acquisition seems to fit well into their overall strategy of a complete offering for their customer base.  This got me to this just the start of a new wave of […]
  8. M2M: Making us more productive, safer and ... lazy?

    When I watch TV (and am not PVR-ing through all of the commercials, which is most of the time), I started to notice an awful trend. It seems that there are a huge amount of ads aimed at making us lazy and even keeping us that way (such as: “Don’t exercise or eat well, just […]
  9. Pros and Cons to using a closed system for M2M

    When I first started focusing on the M2M field many years ago, I found it very difficult to explain to people what I actually did.  When I explained how we facilitated communication from remote assets, it brought on different reactions.  For some, they found it way too difficult to understand, while others must have watched […]
  10. Trends from CTIA 2013

    I always enjoy going to the Bay Area, and try to do so a few times a year.  Sure, the weather (especially in the south part) is much better than where I live most of the year, but I also enjoy going there because of its "energy".  No, I don't mean the over-priced electric bills, […]

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